Home Has a Heartbeat

Our Services

Creating the feeling of home goes beyond providing four walls. We support disadvantaged residents and neighborhoods through services that cater to a variety of life stages and challenges.

We stabilize the lives of at-risk youth by providing on-campus living and holistic services for personal and professional development.

  • Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
    on a drug-free campus
  • Job coaching, paid internships,
    and job placements
  • Financial literacy classes & budget counseling
  • Emergency housing for youth
  • A “Life Coach” assigned to each youth

Since buying 2.3 acres of property in the Central City neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood, FL, we’ve been committed to revitalizing the areas through a series of initiatives.

  • Creation of the Central City Alliance of local businesses, civic associations, and residents
    on a drug-free campus
  • Holding a series of festivals, walk-runs, celebrations, and other public events with the Alliance
  • Implementing public art, safety, and beautification projects

We provide individuals and businesses with more opportunities to thrive through tenant-based rental assistance and rapid rehousing on scattered sites within the Fort Lauderdale area. Because H.O.M.E.S. staff personally oversees the Rental Program, lease defaults are minimal, giving tenants a safe foundation to become more financially independent and knowledgeable.

Offers emergency housing in a shared transitional apartment setting for youth, providing essential support such as job coaching, paid internships, financial literacy classes, and life coaching.

  • Safe and stable housing
  • Health navigation
  • Benefits counseling
  • Education services and scholarships
  • Job coaching and job placement

We remove socioeconomic barriers to homeownership by providing affordable housing opportunities to first-time buyers, qualified families, and individuals. Through our scattered site project, we buy single-family homes, rehab them in a quality manner, and re-sell them to buyers within our traditional income target ranges, at affordable prices.

We offer the resources and opportunities to form healthier habits by aiding at-risk individuals who lack access and knowledge to nutrition and exercise. The combination of unique resources available on our own campus with both new and existing community partnerships offers a fun, interactive, inclusive way to move toward a healthier lifestyle.

Stay Informed

Learn more about volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and ways to support our mission.